Let's Do Business



We always are open to enqiries as any good business must be


Accordingly we are interested in You and Your requirements


We definitely look forward to hearing from You


Contact TWT International






Despite basic Free Market principles Regulatory Compliance rules


Accordingly You and TWT jointly need to invest in a little bit of administration


On how to do business with TWT International

 please receive a first overview by taking a look at our

TWT International

Cooperation Roadmap Typical Milestones &

Guiding Principles

executive summary



Viewer and PDF Download






If You wish to work with TWT,

then we will have to exchange information

which most likely will involve also Confidential Information


In lieu of a more complex contract document we can offer

to regulate this important issue including non-circumvention and non-solicitation

in a most easy fashion

by mutually issuing a simple Declaration Letter based on reciprocity


What do YOU think?


Please see the

Sample & Download



Contact TWT International



TWT International Toolbox Standard Contract (mutual) NDA NCA One Side Declaration Letter Draft Proposal
22 TWT International Toolbox Standard Co[...]
PDF-Dokument [70.0 KB]




 Do YOU prefer to establish and enter with TWT into

a more formal and detailed

Non-Disclosure and Non-Circumvention incuding Non-Solicitation

contractual Agreement?


Please see the

Sample & Download



Contact TWT International



TWT International Toolbox Standard Contract (mutual) NDA NCA Agreement Draft Proposal
22 TWT International Toolbox Standard Co[...]
PDF-Dokument [246.2 KB]







the Subject Matter, the Purpose and the Scope

are defined, understood and together we in principle wish and accept to cooperate

we at least need a

Mandate Document


Please see the

Sample & Download



Contact TWT International



TWT International Toolbox Standard Contract Letter of Appointment / Letter of Authorization / Mandate Draft Proposal
TWT International Toolbox Standard Contr[...]
PDF-Dokument [67.2 KB]






TWT in principle believes in Gentlemen Agreements

but in an ever more regulated world

when wanting to enter into contract

there hardly is any escape to document in writing and sign what exactly terms and conditions are agreed.

The best Contract documents are those which after signature stay filed away and are not needed anymore.

No business case is like another, at least in the TWT World,

so each business case deserves the underlying Contract to be worked out individually.

At least this is our experience.

We therefore do not provide a sample here but only a reference.

Based on Your business case and wish to cooperate with TWT

the TWT Intenational Legal Section upon Your request shall be happy

to furnish You with a specific Contract Draft Proposal

from our side.


Please see the




Contact TWT International












In order to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing

and in order to establish customer's risk factors as well as to prevent fraud

good corporate business is required to verify the identity and good standing

of each corporate customer

in compliance with

AML - Anti Money Laundering and KYC - Know Your Customer

legal requirements of applicable current law and regulations



TWT International first AML / KYC Compliance Reference

is the TWT Network representative anchor company

TWT GmbH Trans World Technologies in Berlin, Germany


Germany is internationally well reputed and accepted

for its stable political system, economy and independent judiciary


For many years already

Germany ranks very well on

the international CPI - Corruption Perception Index

(2021 Rank 10 of 180)


TWT GmbH Trans World Technologies  KYC Information

is publicly documented and can be transparently found

at the following online German state registers






TWT International regularly requires from clients / customers / end-users

AML and KYC information according TWT International Toolbox Standard


For more information


Please see the




Contact TWT International



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2017 - 2024 © TWT International c/o TWT EOOD Trans World Technologies