Digital (D) * Information Technology (IT) * Artificicial Intelligence (AI) * Robotics (CS)


Ihr Artificial Intelligence - Internet of Things - Machine Learning - Smart Device Entwicklungspartner

Gemäß Ihren Zielvorstellungen entwickeln wir für Ihr Vorhaben Ideen und machen für Sie Design, Prototyping und mehr





Unsere DITAICS Mission:

Wir machen nur beste SMART PRODUCTS Entwicklungen  -  von der Idee bis zur Serienfertigung


Im Kundenauftrag und als OEM

Für viele Branchen


Wir arbeiten mit allen üblichen Programmiersprachen, Frameworks und Bibliotheken

Holistisch decken wir das gesamte Fachspektrum ab


Wir unterstützen Ihren Entwicklungsprozess oder bieten Ihnen End-to-End Lösungen


Wir machen unsere Arbeit auf Basis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und Kundenzufriedenheit


Lassen Sie DITAICS Ihre professionelle und zuverlässige Outsourcing-Lösung sein




arbeitet konzentriert in den Bereichen

Digital *  Informationstechnologie *  Künstliche Intelligenz * Robotik 





TWT International



DITAICS im Überblick

Scope of Services =

A. Embedded Engineering

B. Software / Hardware Design

C. Software / Hardware Entwicklung

D. Firmware Engineering

E. Hardware Engineering

F. Beurteilung & Nachweisführung

Prozess =

1. Produkt Idee


2. Produkt Projekt Architektur

3. Produkt Design

4. Produkt Entwicklung, Engineering & Test

5. Produkt Umzug & Portierung

6. Produkt Wartung (Technische Unterstützung Engineering, professionelle und intrinsische Sicherheits Design Dienste)

KnowHow Apps =

> KI / Machine Learning


> Blockchain




> Computer Vision


> Robotik / Industrie Automatisierung


> IoT / Smart Products


> IC / FPGA und Prozessorboards


> Elektronik generell


Digital (D) * Information Technology (IT) * Artificicial Intelligence (AI) * Robotics (CS)



Your Artificial Intelligence - Internet of Things - Machine Leaning - Smart Device development partner

According your requirements we develop ideas and do for your project the design and prototyping






The DITAICS Mission:

We do the best SMART PRODUCTS Development  -  from Idea to Manufacturing


Upon Clients order and as OEM

In many areas


We work with all common progran languages, frameworks and libraries


The Full Spectrum


We support your developments or provide you with end-to-end solutions


Based on Decades of Experience and Client Satisfaction


Let DITAICS be Your professional and reliable outsourcing Solution



is all about

Digital * Information Technology * Artificial Intelligence * Robotics





TWT International



DITAICS Overview

Scope of Services =

A. Embedded Engineering

B. Software / Hardware Design

C. Software / Hardware Development

D. Firmware Engineering

E. Hardware Engineering

F. Verification & Validation

Process =

1. Product Idea

2. Product Project Architecture

3. Product Design

4. Product Engineering, Development & Testing

5. Product Migration & Porting

6. Product Maintenance (technical support, engineering sustainment, professional and intrinsic safety design services)

KnowHow Apps =

> KI / Machine Learning


> Blockchain




> Computer Vision


> Robotics / Industry Automation


> IoT / Smart Products


> IC / FPGA and PCBs


> Electronics in general


DITAICS Technology & Technics

The DITAICS Know-How Advantage

Embedded domain team expertise with many years of cumulative experience and knowledge


DITAICS is expert to develop embedded systems and software across industry verticals


The DITAICS  Team of Experts so far has completed

more than 500 projects, of which about 20 have passed as Kickstarter



Flexible, reliable and customized product development

Cost optimization through R&D and reduced product development cost


Bring products faster to market


Client data protection through well-defined security policies and mechanisms




DITAICS supports and helps Clients i.e. by:


  • Creating hardware products and devices that are in sync with software
  • Taking responsibility from the development phase to the post release smooth functioning of the products
  • Offering expertise of multi-faceted experts who have in-depth knowledge of software/hardware development and mechanical design
  • Improving performance and durability
  • Reducing the time to market new products
  • Lowering production cost
  • Adding new features with stable releases
  • Reducing customer complaints and boosting customer loyalty



The DITAICS engineering services team can assist with all or any stage of your product development life cycle queries regardless of technology, platform, or context.


At DITAICS we encourage our Your active involvement as a client  in all the stages of the design and development process and strive to work hand in hand through research, analysis, and iterations that will make your product a success.


We take full responsibility for the quality of our works and services.

From the start of the product design process we are collaborating with the factories that will be manufacturing your product to achieve the best results for less money.


Package Remuneration Price Offers
Time-Based Remuneration Price Offers


We charge You for our works and services on Your specific project, plus expenses i.e. the costs of materials. The execution time of different project phases may vary during the development process. Our project management system provides You in any case with transparent weekly reporting and our communication alllows You at all times a clear overview of Your project status for effective project steering.



DITAICS subscribes to ethical and sustainable standards.

Not everything that is feasible should be done.

Analogue the principle of competitive exclusion machines must eternally be object which,

regardless of their individual and / or common AI and/or robotic levels,

always remain clearly subjected to the human being and other natural beings.



DITAICS Design Flow

Typical Major Milestones


one: PDR - Preliminary Design Review

- DITAICS, based on your requirement, does a thorough technical assessment that establishes the allocated baseline of a system to ensure a system is operationally effective.

During the PDR stage, a document is developed that defines the goals and objectives, as well as technical requirements and standards of the system to ensure its effectiveness and prevent risks in development. The basic strategy of product development is being implemented and priorities are being set. The architecture of
the project is being developed, the software and hardware components coordination are defined. Also, the initial estimate, key milestones, and costs are provided. Market research is done in order to ensure the viability of the project.

During the PDR stage, a document that defines the goals and objectives is developed, as well as technical requirements and standards of the system to ensure its effectiveness and prevent risks in development.


- Providing extended technical documentation
- Forecasting all possible risks
- Providing accurate cost and timing

two: POC - Proof of Concept

- DITAICS generates and presents you the realization of the method of development in
order to demonstrate its feasibility.

Confirmation that the system is feasible and results are possible to achieve with the help of existing technologies. A large amount of testing of the Concept is being carried out and checking the availability of ready made solutions and analogs on the market as well as testing the components of a future product. All the necessary components and hardware are purchased and external specialists are involved who share their opinion about working solutions and help in making experiments with them. The working technologies are checked, different measurements and tests of the variations are made. The result is technological proof that is feasible and a clear vision of the output of efforts.


- development of the prototype
- work out of main technologies to minimize risks for the later stages
- testing of the feasibility of the system
- testing the main components


- the calculation of the cost of subsequent stages, the requirements for the
size and the parameters of the device
- proof that the system is feasible in real-time conditions

three: MVP - Minimum Viable Product

- DITAICS manufactures and presents You a product with just enough features to satisfy the early and key needs of you, your customers and end-users, and with the goal to receive feedback for revision and final product development .

The minimum viable product implies the key functionality of the product so it is ready to be shown to the end-users. The main functions are being processed which are necessary to perform the tasks and meet the goals of the project. It can also be called a working prototype. At this stage, an already working solution is provided which has been tested and proven and the product is ready for adding the functionality and additional changes.


- final testing of the first version of the system
- delivering the key functions of the working system


- an already working solution is provided which has been tested and proven
and the product is ready for adding the functionality and additional changes
- calculation of the cost of subsequent stages

four: MMP - Minimum Market Product

- DITAICS generates and presents You a full working product version which
has all required functionality implemented and functions in accordance with all expectations .

This version of the product is fully ready to go to the market and be promoted to the end-users. At this stage, all the necessary and planned functionality is added, final adjustments are made, and all ideas for improving the productand fine-tuning it to completion are implemented. A lot of testing is done to ensure and make sure it works according to customers’ final expectations. The product is fully optimized, complies with all standards, and meets the goals of the project.


- working out the main components
- all the necessary and planned functionality is added, final adjustments are
made, and all ideas for improving the product and fine-tuning it to completion
are implemented.


- a version of a working product which functions in accordance with all expectations and has all the functionality implemented.
- calculation of the cost of subsequent stages, the requirements for the size, preliminary prediction of the parameters of the device.

five:  MPO - Mass Product Optimization

DITAICS readies and advises Your production

During this stage, the product is optimized for mass production and working in real-time conditions. All the necessary tests and adjustments for the product are carried out to be viable in the real environment and comply with all standards. The cost is optimized for the requirements of mass production and the list of components is optimized as well.

- optimized cost
- the best choice of distributors
- full support for the project

six: MP&R - Mass Production & Roll Out

DITAICS warrants and remains Your technical support

During this stage all necessary steps are taken to support You during production, such as helping to choose a manufacturing partner, advising distributors, technical support and maintenance, QA, advisory, and overall coordination.

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